Alphabetical list of authors and full titles

Alphabetical list of authors and full titles – DMTM Conference – 24-26 May 2023



Full title


Adamczyk, Magdalena

The applicability of a translation-based approach to analysing DMs

25th pm

Averna, Carmelo, Borreguero, Margarita, Koch, Christian & Thörle, Britta

What L2 oral narratives can teach us about the role of discourse markers as text-structuring cues

25th pm

Bakke, Alex

The Use of Spanish Discourse Markers amongst Spanish-Catalan Bilinguals

26th pm

Ballier, Nicolas, Méli, Adrien, Henderson, Alice & Taylor, Arnold

The acoustic and prosodic correlates of SO when used as a discourse marker

24th pm

Belmar Viernes, Guillem & Salazar, Jeremías

From grammar to discourse and back to grammar: The complicated story of 'thing' in Sà'án Sàvǐ ñà Yukúnanǐ

25th am

Bona, Judit & Hámori, Ágnes

Children use discourse markers strategically to achieve rapid turn-taking: the utterance-initial use of „hát” and filled pauses in the conversations of 5 and 9-years-old Hungarian children

25th pm

Booth, Hannah

Discourse markers and the information-structural watershed: an LFG approach

24th pm

Bourdier, Valérie

I should think and I should say in discourse marking: between thinking and saying to the core of subjectivity

24th pm

Casentini, Marco, Conti, Sergio & Lepadat, Carmen

Theoretical and epistemological underpinnings, applications, and limitations of corpus linguistics in DM research: Two cases from Mandarin Chinese

24th pm

Cerqueglini, Letizia

Kin Terms as Discourse Markers in Bilingual Arabic/Hebrew Speakers in Israel

26th am

Crible, Ludivine

New data, new markers? Opening up discourse markers to expressions of alignment

25th pm

Csilla, Dér, Huszár, Anna, Krepz, Valéria & Horváth, Viktória

Phonetopragmatic analysis of the Hungarian discourse marker hát ‘well, so' and its combinations

25th am

Cuberos, Rocio & Mañas, Iban

Discourse marking and learner corpora: comparing narrow and broad functional approaches

25th pm

Cuenca, Maria Josep

Category vs. functional approaches to DM. The case of Catalan 'doncs'

25th pm

Danino, Charlotte, Col, Gilles & Knutsen, Dominique

Kaleidoscopic analysis of discourse makers viewed as a prismatic category: sequential methodological approach of a multifaceted object of the language sciences.

24th pm

De Cock, Barbara, Galiana, Patricia, Gras, Pedro & Rosado, Elisa

The acquisition of discourse marking in L2: from discourse markers to connectivity

25th pm

di Nunno, Valentina, Tilburghs, Brenthe & Vande Casteele, An

The use of discourse markers by different groups of language learners of Spanish

25th pm

Farahani, Mehrdad Vashedhani

Underspecification and Function of Discourse Markers in Political Speech Interpretation: A Parallel Corpus-based Study

25th pm

Fedriani, Chiara

Contemporary conversation meets historical pragmatics. Exploring the Latin discourse marker dico ‘I say' in relation to its Italian counterparts

To be confirmed

Floricic, Franck

When univerbation meets antonymy : the case of Altro che vs. Altroché in Italian

25th pm

Goodness Sinyangwe, Devet & Simile, Okoa Daniel

Discourse and pragmatic functions of some selected verbs of perception in conversation among the Swahili speakers in Tanzania

To be confirmed

Hennecke, Inga & Mihatsch, Wiltrud

Type-noun based pragmatic markers in Romance languages between cooptation and regrammaticalization

25th am

Ho-Dac, Lydia-Mai & Rebeyrolle, Josette

Tracking the main characters in narratives written by pupils with referential continuity ties annotation

25th pm

Labrenz, Annika, Böttcher, Marlene, Iefremenko, Kateryna & Katsika, Kalliopi

Discourse markers and filler particles at the boundary: A corpus study across languages, speaker groups, and communicative situations.

25th am

Leger, Catherine

The uses of a few discourse markers derived from voir in Acadian French: imperative verb + voir, tu vois, vois-tu and tu

25th pm

Lewis, Diana & Leonarduzzi, Laetitia

Pragmatic and Constructional approaches to some English DMs: a panchronic study of modal adverb to discourse marker

24th pm

Long, Haiping

Separate clause source and initial-to-medial pathway: Formation of Chinese epistemic adverbial and sentence connective chéngrán

24th pm

Louviot, Elise & Robin, Thérèse

Old English, Old Saxon and Old High German þa/tho: constructions with discourse functions

24th pm

Majhenič, Simona

Cognitive Discourse Markers in Simultaneous Interpreting

25th pm

Molnar, Cecilia Sarolta

How Hungarian ugye challenges discourse theories?

25th am

Penry Williams, Cara

Multiple methods for multifunctional language: Exploring or something in action

24th pm

Petras, Cristina

Culmea and chipurile as discourse markers in Romanian: what kind of change?

25th am

Pinson, Mathilde

Constructionalization(s) or constructional change(s)? The gradual emergence of [N is] and related patterns

25th am

Pons Bordería, Salvador & Pardo Llibrer, Adria

Discourse markedness in Spanish: a quantitative overview of a pragmatic category

25th am

Popescu, Cecilia Mihaela & Duță, Oana Adriana

Romanian Speech Act Verbs a zice and a spune “to say” and the Poly-pragmaticalization pattern

25th am

Rahmanadia, Hyunisa

Indonesian discourse markers in conversational humor discourse: a relevance theoretical and socio-cognitive approach study

24th pm

Raso, Tommaso, Rilliard, Albert, Santos, Saulo & Moraes, João

Discourse Markers as information units formally conveyed by prosody

24th pm

Robledo, Hernan & Aguilar, Carlos

Discourse markers variants: a corpus study of Linguistics research article abstracts in Spanish

26th am

Rodriguez Garcia, Marta & Goria, Eugenio

Community norms and pragmatic motivations for bilingual discourse markers: bueno and well in English-Spanish bilingual speech

26th am

Salameh Jiménez, Shima

Paths of change in interactive constructions: the development of peninsular spanish “pues eso” through the Val.Es.Co model of units.

25th am

Schmidt-Riese, Aaron

Corpus Linguistics Meets Interaction: Structural Discourse Markers in German Palliative Care Interactions

25th am

Schneider, Stefan

Deverbal discourse markers. Properties and grammaticality

24th pm

Silva, Fátima, Oliveria, Fátima & Pinto, Ana Sofia

Discourse markers of reformulation in academic discourse: a combined approach for the distinction of some of their values

26th am

Sokolova, Olga

Discourse markers in contemporary poetry: indices of everyday speech or pragmatic experiment?

To be confirmed

Tantucci, Vittorio & Wang, Aiqing

Resonance and Pragmatic Markers of Intersubjectivity in Autistic Speech: Creativity Competing with Engagement in Chinese Children with ASD

25th am

Teptiuk, Denys

Discourse markers in reported speech: towards a typology of interpersonal and textural indexes

25th pm

Triki, Nesrine

An intra-and inter-disciplinary investigation of exemplifying discourse markers

26th am

Vigneron-Bosbach, Jeanne

Like – Discourse « cursor » in unplanned spoken discourse

24th pm

Villalobos Cardozo, Mercedes

Exploring turn-initial discourse markers in Spanish interaction as management devices of discursive topic

24th pm

Wiese, Heike, Labrenz, Annika & Bayram, Yeşim

Graphic discourse markers in CMC

24th pm

Zubova, Iuliia, Klumpp, Gerson, Markus, Elena, Teptiuk, Denys, Todesk, Triin, Tomingas, Marili & Tuuling, Eda-Riin

The discourse marker NU in Uralic languages: towards a comparative description

25th pm


Updated programme

Dear all,

Please find below an updated version of the conference programme.

See you very soon in Paris!

Best regards,

Laure & Ludivine

International Conference Discourse Markers Theories and Methods - Programme

Wednesday, May 24

13.00 – 13.45

Amphi 3B (5th fl)

Halle aux farines

Registration of participants

13.45 – 14.00

Amphi 3B

Welcome speech

14.00 – 15.00

Plenary session

Amphi 3B

Yael Maschler

Discourse markers as projecting constructions: A multimodal study of the emergence of discourse markers in interaction



404 B

405 B

Amphi 3B

15.00 – 15.30

Parallel session

Ballier, Méli, Henderson, Taylor

The acoustic and prosodic correlates of so when used as a DM

Danino, Col, Knutsen

Kaleidoscopic analysis of DMs viewed as a prismatic category


I should think and I should say in discourse marking

15.30 – 16.00

Parallel session

Raso, Rilliard, Santos, Moraes

Discourse markers as information units formally conveyed by prosody

Penry Williams

Multiple methods for multifunctional language: Exploring or something


Deverbal discourse markers. Properties and grammaticality

16.00 - 16.30

Parallel session

Villalobos Cardozo

Exploring turn-initial DMs in Spanish as management devices for topic

Casentini, Conti, Lepadat

Theoretical and epistemological underpinnings of CL in DM research


DMs and the information-structural watershed: An LFG approach

16.30 – 17.00

406 B

Coffee break

17.00 – 17.30

Parallel session

Giovani Santos-Kinsella

40 years of research on like: where to go next?

Wiese, Labrenz, Bayram

Graphic discourse markers in CMC

Louviot & Robin

Old English, Old Saxon and Old High German þa/tho

17.30 – 18.00

Parallel session


Like – discourse “cursor” in unplanned spoken discourse


When univerbation meets antonymy: the case of Altro che vs. Altroché


Separate clause source and initial-to-medial pathway in chéngrán

18.00 – 20.00

406 B

Welcome reception




Thursday morning, May 25

09.00 – 10.00

Plenary session

Amphi 3B

Gunther Kaltenböck

On the development and grammatical status of discourse markers: The view from Discourse Grammar



404 B

405 B

Amphi 3B

10.00 – 10.30

Parallel session

Belmar Viernes & Salazar

The complicated story of 'thing' in Sà'án Sàvǐ ñà Yukúnanǐ

Salameh Jiménez

Paths of change in interactive constructions: pues eso through Val.Es.Co


Corpus linguistics meets interaction: Structural DMs in German palliative care

10.30 – 11.00

Parallel session

Hennecke & Mihatsch

Type-noun based pragmatic markers in Romance languages


Constructionalization(s) or constructional change(s)? [N is]

Tantucci & Wang

Resonance and pragmatic markers of intersubjectivity in autistic speech

11.00 – 11.30

406 B

Coffee break

11.30 – 12.00

Parallel session

Csilla, Huszár, Krepsz, Horváth

Phonetopragmatic analysis of Hungarian hát ‘well, so’

Pons Bordería & Pardo Llibrer

Discourse markedness in Spanish: a quantitative overview

Popescu & Duta

Romanian speech act verbs a zice and a spune and poly-pragmaticalization

12.00 – 12.30

Parallel session


How Hungarian ugye challenges discourse theories?

Labrenz et al.

DMs and filler particles at the boundary: a corpus study


Culmea and chipurile as DMs in Romanian: what kind of change?

12.30 – 13.30

406 B

Lunch break




Thursday afternoon, May 25

13.30 – 14.30

Plenary session

Amphi 3B

Graham Ranger

Discourse markers in the framework of the Theory of Enunciative and Predicative Operations: limits and perspectives



404 B

405 B

Amphi 3B

14.30 – 15.00

Parallel session


DMs in reported speech: typology of interpersonal and textual indexes


New data, new markers? Opening up DMs to expressions of alignment


Indonesian DMs in conversational humor discourse

15.00 – 15.30

Parallel session

Zubova et al.

The DM nu in Uralic languages: towards a comparative description


Category vs. functional approaches to DM. The case of Catalan ‘doncs

Di Nunno, Tilburghs, Vande Casteele

The use of DMs by different groups of language learners of Spanish

15.30 – 16.00

406 B

Coffee break

16.00 – 16.30

Parallel session

Ho-Dac & Rebeyrolle

Tracking the main characters in narratives written by pupils


Cognitive discourse markers in simultaneous interpreting

Introduction of the panel

DMs and learner corpora

16.30 – 17.00

Parallel session

Bona & Hámori

Children use DMs strategically to achieve rapid turn-taking


The applicability of a translation-based approach to analysing DMs

De Cock, Galiana, Gras & Rosado

The acquisition of discourse marking in L2: from DMs to connectivity

17.00 – 17.30

Parallel session


The uses of a few DMs derived from voir in Acadian French

Lewis & Leonarduzzi

Pragmatic and constructional approaches to some English DMs

Averna, Borreguero, Koch & Thörle

What L2 oral narratives can teach us about the role of DMs as text-structuring cues

17.30 – 18.00

Parallel session


On dis-/integration of German connectives and their status as DMs


Cuberos & Mañas

Discourse marking and learner corpora: narrow and broad functional approaches

20.00 – 23.00

Le Débonnaire

Conference Dinner


Friday, May 26



404 B

405 B

Amphi 3B

09.30 – 10.00

Parallel session

Rodriguez Garcia & Goria

Community norms and pragmatic motivations for bilingual DMs


From a matrix clause to DMs: I think in English and fekr konam in Persian


An intra- and inter-disciplinary investigation of exemplifying DMs

10.00 – 10.30

Parallel session


Kin terms as DMs in bilingual Arabic-Hebrew speakers in Israel


Underspecification and function of DMs in political speech interpretation

Silva, Oliveria, Pinto

DMs of reformulation in academic discourse: a combined approach

10.30 – 11.00



The use of Spanish DMs amongst Spanish-Catalan bilinguals


Robledo & Aguilar

DM variants: a corpus study of linguistics abstracts in Spanish

11.00 – 11.30

406 B

Coffee break

11.30 – 12.30

Plenary session

Amphi 3B (5th fl)

Liesbeth Degand

Form and function of Discourse Markers in spoken French

12.30 – 12.45

Amphi 3B (5th fl)

Conference closing

12.45 – 14.00

406 B

Lunch break


To be confirmed

Goodness Sinyangwe & Simile: Discourse functions of perception verbs in Swahili speakers of Tanzania

Sokolova: DMs in contemporary poetry: indices of everyday speech or experiment?



Conference Dinner

Dear colleagues,

Those of you who have registered for the conference dinner should have received a mail concerning the choice for the menu (please check your spams!)

Please let us know if you haven’t received the message.

Best regards,

Laure & Ludivine

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